Sector Focus
Although, in line with other Southern European markets, Cyprus has experienced a definite downturn in its real estate market in recent years and this is likely to continue in the foreseeable future, the island will remain an attractive place for quality real estate investment and development, as well as large scale projects in this field, in the medium to long-term.
The services sector, in its broadest sense, is and will remain a dominant part of the economy of Cyprus taking advantage of the abundance of intellectual capital on the island.
Cyprus is an island steeped in culture and history, blessed with a rich and diverse artistic heritage. Located at a cross-road between Europe and the East, Cyprus has been a cradle of Hellenic culture and of Christianity as well as a bridge between different religions, notably Christianity and Islam, languages and civilisations for centuries.
Ever since the announcement, in late 2011, by Noble Energy of a significant gas find within the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Republic of Cyprus, the country has been buzzing with a combination of excitement, speculation and anticipation of the economic and potential political benefits that this will bring.
Cyprus is well positioned to become a major player in the global market for education.
It is the strategic location of Cyprus that makes it such an attractive investment opportunity. The island has long been a popular holiday destination for Northern Europeans, with over 1.37 million from that region visiting in 2013.